Wednesday 18 March 2009

How to Construct a Flying Saucer in Order to Transcend Corporeality.

Ouroboric Alien
The secret to the construction of the Christic Hoverlith is in the understanding of the basic substance or prima materia out of which the craft is built. "The ouroboros is prima materia, the first matter from which all things are born. This is the essential material that the alchemist must work with to create the Philosopher's Stone. The circle represents the movement of divine energy away from and back toward itself: 'My end is my beginning'". Francis Melville, The Book of Alchemy.
Alchemical Dragon
The ouroboric Serpent or Dragon represents the fiery breath of libidinal consciousness, kundalini, the Serpent Fire. Its green-ness shows that it is trapped in nature as instinctuality and needs to be sublimated sublime. It is the Holy Spirit or pneumatic spiration, the anima which animates or inspires our thoughts, desires, and behaviour. Again, from The Book of Alchemy: "The Greek sage Epicurus wrote, 'The All was from the beginning like an egg, with the serpent as a tight band or circle around it.' The ouroboros is both serpent and egg. It is spirit waiting to be ensouled; God the Mother waiting to receive the light of God the Father; the potential of creation prior to realization."
Ouroboros dragon
Jung wrote that the Holy Spirit (the anima, fallen consciousness) is felt in the flesh by us as the libido or basic life-force. As we grow, libidinal consciousness sublimates sublime and feeds into all our desires: for power, sex, identity, knowledge, and spiritual wisdom. The fallen spirit as Serpent, Egg, Seed, starts to wake up to its hidden potential as a spark of Self-reflective Light, and naturally wants to free itSelf from the dimness of the collective ignorance of the masses.
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The gnostic Ophites or Serpent worshippers saw this wisdom embodied in the Garden of Eden as the Snake. Jesus said, "Be ye as wise as serpents," and, "Even as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, so shall the Son of Man be lifted up." Was Jesus a gnostic Ophite?... who was teaching how to raise the Serpent or prima materia up out of matter, via transubstantiation, into the divine substance of New Wine.

The Serpent Saucer
 The Serpent snakes through hisstory searching for a way back to SpAce. Instinctual consciousness becomes higher intelligence and breaks free from the gravity of mental matter and matters of concern. It fashions for itSelf a Saucer or Grail, a new Vehicle in which to transcend corporeal suffering. The volatility of consciousness (see link) coils in on itSelf until it reaches the ignition point of Singularity. At the apex or climax of phallic ingenuity it blasts off and defies the gravity of corporeality.

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