Friday 13 March 2009

The Train-of-Thought on the Tracks of Twoness.

How to jump out of my mechanistic
train-of-thought, into the dream-like flow of spirit?
It seems that the underlying quantum field of consciousness is mytho-logical or dream-like. The uni-verse or one-song is a singularity of  vision which contains both the wave or flow of diffuse awareness, and also the particle or point of existence.
This wavicle-based substratum is the light of consciousness behind the stories of our lives. And the dramas we all identify with are not just random interactions, but seem to be based in mythological patterns in the unconscious. Our egos like to live in stories, whether they are power plays, survival struggles, identity crises, or love stories, etc.
Jung said that even our dreams are"personal myths" which portray how our spirit is trying to unfold its full potential. And these personal myths seem to spirit me along to the goal of my sol-like soul. These individual myths themselves grow out of a collective and mythological stream of primordial consciousness, which carries us to some over-Soul or super-particle, like the solar Star, or galactic Black-Sun at the center of our spiralling Milky Way.
This underlying dream-time, which is also timeless, flows in our minds, and is most clearly seen at night in our dreaming. But it continues to wave and point the way during the day, even though we might not see it. Anyone who has practiced meditation for a decade or two, and can allow their minds to still, so that they fall through the gap, has probably noticed in this stillness the wave-like and dream-like motion flowing through quantum SpAce.
But most people are fearful of the seemingly chaotic underworld of quantum forces. The Shaman descends into this universal sub-matrix via a psychological death and dismemberment process, whereby consciousness is atomized back to where it came from.
With insight we can still see this original field of quantum Being, prior to our so-called civilized, dualistic, and Cartesian mindsets. Even our trains-of-thought, stuck on the two tracks of time, have gaps through which we occasionally glimpse the real ground of non-dual singularity.
This new vehicle of the mind, unidentifiable by the rational ego, is not a Cartesian construct of thoughts and beliefs, but a mythic, mandala-like, wavicle of light, which waves through SpAce, and occasionally flashes itself to make a point!... jumping out of the background field of mythic awareness, and amazing some poor human with its irrational motion and higher intelligence.
Quantum vehicles sail by our Earth on the
mythic currents through SpAce, occasionally
pointing and waving to us, capturing our
imaginations, inspiring panic and wonder,
and burning their images into us with their
fiery radiation.

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