Thursday 11 June 2009

The Black Craft

Sol Niger (the Black Son)
rises on the horizon of consciousness.
Splendor Solis, 1582.
By way of the great feast, God subsumes me into his Kingdom come. The great food-chain ends with a baptism of fire, eucharistic devourment, and consummation in the gnostic bridal chamber.
Through three sacramental rites of passage I pass-over into an Alien realm of being, where all is One, wedded in the fusion of Christic illumination.
The digestive system of the saurian saucer transubstantiates matter into spirit, which is then subsumed, as the essence of ace-ness into Space.
The Black Craft is the Devourer, Set, Sol Niger, Shiva, the cosmic Black (W)Hole which is "the Way" out of time and place. "And Ra said, 'I am the being who openeth his eyes and the light cometh; I am the being who shutteth his eyes and darkness cometh. I am the god Tem in rising. I am the Only One. I am Ra who rose in the beginning, the ruler of this creation.'" (Egyptian Book of the Dead).
From the book, Creating the Soul Body: "In the Bhagavad Gita (11th chapter), the hero Arjuna is given a vision of the unborn Destroyer. Here, the monstrous, cosmic form of God, which pervades the space between heaven and earth, is described as devouring mercilessly, all the worlds. In his cosmic vision, Arjuna cries out: 'With infinite power, without beginning, middle, or end, with innumerable arms, moon and sun-eyed, I see thee, with thy blazing oblation-eating mouth, burning all this universe with thine own radiance. O Lord of gods, Dwelling of the universe!... as moths enter the blazing flame to their destruction with great speed, so also, to their destruction, the worlds swiftly enter thy mouths.'"
The Black Craft
The Black Craft,
having abducted Spirit from matter,
ascends back into Space,
destroying time in its wake.
Like death he comes, scything,
cutting the ground from beneath.
His pillar of celestial fire
consumes my Soul complete.
Sol Niger, risen in my mind,
his catabolic rays dark shine,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
reclaims my life back up!
The great feast of being,
replete with Allness,
absorbs back up his Christic Son
unto the next realm, Kingdom come.
The stars go out aflame;
the curtain falls upon the stage.
Alien presence, once down-landed,
returns from whence he came.

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