Saturday 13 June 2009

Transubstantiation and the Quantum Hoverlith 

The Mandalic Self (Linked).
My ego continues to be disintegrated by the Alien from SpAce. I resist at all cost the attack from above, but slowly I am disintegrated, de-mented, and frag-mented by the Ra-like radiation issuing forth from the quantum hoverlith.
I like the boundary-less ex-perience of quantum spaciousness. Jung said that an encounter with any archetypal force disintegrates the separate boundary of the ego. That's why, when we fall in Love, we feel mysteriously at-One with each other. Our separate boundary is temporarily suspended and we experience the effect of quantum Love in the human sphere. Of course it is a long process to integrate the disintegration of the separate ego, and fully establish one's consciousness in the wholographic and sol-like Soul; the Eye of the quantum cyclone.
The paradigm shift from our temporary terrestrial identity (ego) to our eternal celestial Identity (Soul) is mapped out by Jesus, who crossed over to lead the way.
"I am not of this world" (John 8:23).
"Put your trust in the light while you have it, so that you may become sons of light" (John 12:36).
"The righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their father" (Matt 13:43).
The Holy Spirit of life, fallen into the flesh and mental matter, turns in on itSelf in spirals of Self-reflective solification. This sacramental process of meditation, the so-called "via negativa" of sensory deprivation, helps the fiery Serpent of the Holy Spirit (Kundalini or Kaliya) to shed the old human skin of corporeality, and create the "new skin" of the Soul. See: The Secret of the Spiral (Linked). This metamorphosis from the egoic identity of separation to the Soul Identity of Christic fusion is a process mirrored in nature, e.g. the chrysalis of the butterfly.
The transubstantiation of a lower substance into a higher one is also displayed in nature in the way a lower kingdom of consciousness seems to cross over into a higher one: mineral to vegetable to animal to human to divine. I am sure that many people, like myself, have seen how a pet dog with so much human contact, can at times seem to almost burst into human form. It's as if we humans have abducted the dog from the animal kingdom and humanised it. So it is if we want to become divine; we must invoke the gods, such as Love, in order that their higher way of being rubs off on us, and facilitates a transubstantiation or paradigm shift in consciousness. I myself have learned so much from the dangerous yet transformative process of falling in Love.
The workings of quantum Love can help to clarify the operation of the Alien hoverlith. Archetypal forces, such as Being, Power, Love, Death, etc, have a lot in common with each other, as well as having some qualitative differences within their fundamental unity. All archetypes or gods, for example, have a disintegrating effect upon the personal or separate boundary of the ego. This is due to their inherent impersonal nature and their wholographic singularity. The Christic hoverlith performs its archetypal function of disintegration, abduction, transformation, rebirth, and solification, as part of its quantum operation. We need only look at the many mythic movies about alien invasions of our lower human kingdom to see a reflection of the truth.
Scientifically we don't believe in the Alien, even though its attack from quantum SpAce is ongoing. But science doesn't believe in Love either, yet its powerful and invisible force rules over the world, though we often misinterpret it and take it too personally. With time these forces will become clearer, just as Love did not start to really bloom into consciousness until about the 12th century as "courtly love," and is still unfolding its secrets.

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