Tuesday 16 March 2010

Divine Chariot (an Alien Sacrament)

Picture: The Baptism of Christ
(Aert de Gelder, 1645-1727)

The Divine Chariot.
Holy spiration of the soul
wavicles of quantum light
beam down the Jordan:
a baptism of fire!
Disintegrating my life
with his celestial shine,
he lifts me on high
unto his design.
Swallowing me whole
as his eucharistic feast,
the Alien Christ
is a real wonder-beast.
O how you love
this world to devour.
Now I am raised
inside your true power.
In the fusion
of your rotational spire,
a rite of matrimony
unites us sublime.
So this is the church
of your might in the sky;
spiralling upwards
in your chariot divine .

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