Tuesday 16 June 2009

Pregnant Kundalini, and the gnostic "baptism of fire."

The Shaman is born of a pregnant
Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, after  
undergoing death and dismemberment
in "the belly of the Beast."
The Serpent of fire, Kundalini, is the holy spiration of consciousness raised on the staff of the spine. In her benevolence she is the pre-pregnated rainbow-Serpent, swollen with life's potentiality, the colours/qualities of the birthing Spirit: love, power, being, freedom, peace, beauty, innocence, joy, etc, full of pregnant meaning waiting to birth forth!
"He (Christ) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." Matt 3:11.
In her malevolent role she consumes what she consummates, and then rebirths a second coming. She is like Vesta, the Roman goddess who is the virgin Mother and vessel of the fiery hearth. The fire of Spirit rises as the light of consciousness unfolds its pregnant meaning. The holy sacrament of "fire baptism" is a rebirth rite-of-passage.
Just like the god, Kahuna, is born of a spiral tube, and walks on water, so too, Christ is born of fire, and walks over the hot coals of Vesta's hearth; yet, like the alchemical salamander, is not consumed by fire! The vestal Mother of fiery birth is the pregnant vessel; the central warmth of home, birthing her waves of serpentine creativity.
From the fiery Serpent, Kundalini, unconsciousness seeds, grows, and blooms as the "flower of mind;" the rose/lotus of nature, crowning forth her colour-full Child of light. 

The Alien seed of growth, the id,  planted in its human host, reaches for maturity, births forth from the solar plexus.
Prometheus stole fire from the realm of the gods. Humans can utilise this creative/destructive force to help them reach their full potential. The element of promethium is man-made; could it be that fire must pass through this 4th kingdom (human) in order to be transformed via gestation, before it can rebirth as a higher entity? The Serpent fire (Kundalini) is pregnant with meaning. What is this Spirit of fire trying to unfold?
Jung talked about the "archetypal function" of divine forces as the innate operation of the gods. Love is a good example because most of us have experienced its powerful influence and transformative effect. Birthing is an inherent activity in consciousness which functioned long before the human kingdom appeared from nature's mind. The Uni-Verse (One-Song) or "Big-Bang" is itself a birthing of fiery consciousness.

"In the Atalanta Fugiens (1618) of Michael Maier, we are told that ‘as the salamander lives in fire, so does the alchemical Stone.' We see the salamander frolicking in the flames in its ‘Fire Baptism’, a representation of ‘the fiery principle which conquers fire’; an image of how, according to the doctrine of Pseudo-Democritus, ‘nature overcomes nature.’"
A simple teleological extrapolation reveals the potential for consciousness to keep on reproducing itself into even higher kingdoms. The archetypal operation of Christic light/fire reveals its hidden function as a baptismal river of rebirth. The baptism of fire used to be a well-known sacrament, just like the fusion or wedding-together of the opposites in the gnostic sacrament of the "bridal chamber."
The Alien delivery "operation" is a transformation which rebirths human consciousness into a divine flowering of mind where the Son, who is "not of this world," is born of a Serpent wise. Finally, the growing period and sacramental process of human gestation must end. The Alien births into existence as the heavenly Child in quantum SpAce. What a relief it must be, to exorcise this divine Daimon from the flesh! 
The Biscione Serpent enacts the
"crowning of nature" by giving birth
to the meaning of the "Word."

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