Tuesday 16 June 2009

The Ark of Christ at the Apocalyptic End Time.

The Light of Consciousness sublimates into the Fire of Gnosis. "I have come to bring Fire on the earth," said the Gnostic Christ, in Luke 12:49.
As I now write the Holy Flame activates; Lord Agni is invoked; libidinal Kundalini, the Serpent Fire, comes alive and rises into my mind, speaking in its fiery tongue of mythic innerstanding.
The Mandalic Disc of the sun-like Son begins his invasion of my human thought-scape. An apocalyptic event threatens on the horizon of my egoic perspective. The veil of Heaven is parted, revealing the KingDome in the quantum Cathedral above.
Heaven heaves: waves of Ra-like radiation pour down like an Alien invasion, burning, blackening, disintegrating mental matter; freeing my Spirit from the captivity of human beliefs, ideas, and opinions. Dualistic time, with its tick-tock of twoness which divides the mind, is ended by a higher intelligence pronouncing: "all is Unified."
I am abducted, lifted up into the Sky of a transcendent Mind. The Holy Spiration of Soul blows its apocalyptic ex-spiration upon my brow. Shivic destruction of my lower world is over;  Alien abduction now draws me up on a wave of a sacramental transubstantiation. Baptismal Fire cleanses, calcines white, transmogrifies.
The Holy Dove, Phoenix afire, RavenBird ashine, spirals in on itSelf, creating a FirePearl on the Burning Tree abright. My Christmas has come. The gift of my human sacrifice is offered up. The Burning Bush aflame generates a "violent Wind" inside my brain. The Mandala vortex spirals up to the apex of its transformation. Atop the Tree Eternal, the Star of Christ fruits forth, burning in all his radiant glory.
The seal of Sol and Moon unite. Spirit-Moon, drawn up from earth, combines with the Sun. Earth-consciousness is refined to Gold by an Alien alchemy. How strange?... this downloading of a higher revelation. The thought-less clarity of Space emanates its own devastating Truth, which reveals that human thinking is but a waking dream in which the divided ones sleep under a Cartesian mis-conception: "I think therefore I am." This make-believing casts a spell of separation in the mind.
Apocalyptic Light and Sound can awaken the unconscious to the limitation of their lower kingdom. A higher reSonation shatters the schizophrenic delusion of duality. There is no night or day, male-female, good and evil. Life and death are but the same Oceanic flow and ebb of consciousness.
The golden Disc of transubstantiation finished, bursts forth from the Sea of primeval existence: walks on water, flies the air, burns with fire yet is not consumed. The miracle of surviving death is learned. The Sun darkens in its cosmic demise. A Blackhole swallows all the life and light in time created. Sol Niger, the alchemical Black Sun, departs the physical universe, whirling in uncreated disSolution.
The Ark of Christ gathers in the opposites; the world floods undone; the Sonship survives death, is reborn to a new KingDome come. Spirit, once fallen unconscious into mental matter, discovered fire, and through history from stone (Adam) to Stone (Christ) rises. "Lapis elevatus cum vento," the Rock of Ages by the Wind uplifted flies. The elemental SpaceShip from earth to Heaven returns and shines.
The Christic Hoverlith vibrates, with me abducted inside; its reSonation blowing itSelf apart into Nirvanic extinguishment as it climbs, shaking into Self-destructive annihilation as it escapes the gravity of mental matter into formless clarity."I am become death; destroyer of worlds!" (Upanishads).

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