Tuesday 16 June 2009

Waking Up to Winged Being

"By a kiss the perfect conceive and give birth.
That is why we kiss. From the grace of others
we conceive."  (Gospel of Philip).
The Kiss of Conception.
Thinking is a waking dream in which we sleep,
and conform we do to the story as it takes shape.
Obey the script and play the role;
put on the mask and sell your Soul.
Like an actor-slave who cannot escape his part,
we live the lie and from reality depart.
Our conditioning a thinking-dream does weave,
and from its net the sleeper cannot leave.
Samsara's spell upon the mind is cast,
and most do fall from truth into its grasp.
How from this nightmare can the dreamer wake,
when "all the world's a stage" for players' sake?
Enter the Starman behind the scenes;
a fiery figure not easily seen.
Loving, bold, and spontaneous,
he steals the show with pure Presence.
He falls not into the sleep of ideation,
plays no role nor takes a station.
He is the light who sees the dream of thought;
the Lucid One inside the dream not caught.
Free from form, and world transcendent,
he sees no point in false pretension.
Cutting the story, burning the script,
he shatters duality with Oneness's Kiss.
The Cartesian "Spelling" Mistake We Cast Upon Ourselves.
Beliefs make-believe the Cartesian lives we lead, and define the egoic personae of our false identities; the "masks" we wear in this play of opposites, to disguise the underlying reality of the non-dual SpAce of Singularity in our minds.
This world of make-believing is what we have all conjured up, collectively and personally. We create our own reality to a large extent, and it is up to us to undo the spell of duality and time that traps us in this human story of separation.
Thinking (ideas, beliefs, concepts, dogma, opinion, philosophization, plans, hope, judgement, regret, stories, etc) serves us well to a point; but thought is also a magical spell we cast upon ourselves which hypnotises us into a false perspective. It sets up the illusion of time with its tick-tock of twoness, and the seeming appearance of division: male/female, good/evil, life/death. etc.
I cast upon myself the beliefs that define who I think I am. Thinking is a waking-dream in which I sleep; a nightmare of separation in which we search for our lost Unity. The Uni-Verse or One-Song resonates an underlying Singularity, but we deny it with our mental and mechanistic chant of Cartesian self-separateness: "I think therefore I am."
The true cure for human madness is to see that thinking is ultimately a mental illness that schizophrenically splits the mind. Every war was started by a belief. Visions of Truth belie beliefs by revealing that the underlying premiss behind every belief is false. For example, the dualistic belief that "I am under attack and need to defend myself," is seen as a lie because in Truth I am indestructible and cannot be attacked. Both Christ and Buddha taught to "turn the other cheek." The bi-ological belief that I need to survive may be a necessary fact at the human level, but the Truth reveals that I cannot not survive because I am eternal.
How can I get back to the ground or spirit of true Being, below the stuff of mental matter and all the stories, beliefs, and mis-conceptions composed therefrom? My thought-scape must somehow be cleansed anew, washed away, baptised with fire, if I am to experience the fundamental truth of Unity behind this play of opposites.
The "polarity premiss" behind human existence pre misses the Truth and continues in its mistaken way, building up lies upon lies until the Truth is buried deep in the collective unconscious. The trick for me is to uncover my original in-no-sensory innocence. My split-mindedness can only be healed by an apocalyptic revelation of Truth, which is a catastrophe for my separate ego, who must die in rebirth.
Enter the Alien-Christ behind the scenes, who has "come to bring fire upon the earth." (Luke 12:49). My human thoughts are blackened and burned in the fiery light of an Alien invasion. My world is laid waste by an archetypal Being invading my egoic thought-scape! The divine Magus performs higher magic as part of his function or will: disintegration, abduction, transubstantiation, fusion out of con-fusion, rememberment out of dismemberment.
An apocalyptic "end time" has come! The Alien truth dispells the false human premiss of my separation, and along with it all the lies built upon its dualistic foundation on the sands of time. The whole edifice of my thinking mind, composed of the black-magical dust of mental matter, collapses into an oceanic abyss of Nowness. And bursting forth from the depths of this primordial flood of non-dual consciousness, the Alien One or Ace in SpAce explodes and "takes off" above the realms and rulers, into the fiery Sky of timeless freedom.
"Yea, there is That which is the End-of-understanding, That which thou must understand with flower of mind.
For should'st thou turn thy mind inwards on It, and understand It as understanding 'something,' thou shalt not understand It.
For there is a power of the primordial mind that shineth forth in all directions, flashing with intellectual rays." (Chaldean Oracles).
Hermes Trismegistus and the marriage of Sol and Luna.
Creative fire unifies the opposites in the alchemical wedding
or gnostic "bridal chamber:" the sacramental miracle of 
fusion out of con-fusion.

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