Tuesday 16 June 2009

The Wheel of Hope, Broken.

The Wheels of Ezekiel's Flying Device.
I've located some residue human hope lurking in my unconsciousness. I caught myself projecting onto the future. Now the human wheel of hope, with its reverse gear of regret, is dashed in my mind. Its mechanistic or Cartesian rotation is seen through as an illusory mental trick I play upon myself. This realisation brings a devastation to my ego. I have nothing to look forward to in hope's name.
My Cartesian ego feels lost without hope to cling to; thrown into an oceanic abyss of Nowness! No hope in the future lies. This apocalyptic revelation dawns on my mind as an insight that alters the out-sight of my former dualistic and mechanistic perception. I need a new Heavenly wheel to operate from.
An Hermetic Truth takes over my mind: "as above so below." The Macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm of my human smallness. Hermetic wisdom is now seen to rise again in quantum non-mechanics. The Cartesian spokes in the wheel of my corporeal life are breaking apart. The rational wheel is making a paradigm shift, transforming into the irrational Mandala of a living whologram.
My time-based and hope-based ego can no longer rely on the mechanistic wheel of hope as a vehicle to motivate me. I need a new Vehicle if I am to negotiate this abyss of Nowness; a divine Chariot that can travel beyond time and hope.
From the movie, Contact.
I need some sort of Hermetically designed Vehicle that can operate Macrocosmically as well as microcosmically; a Christic Hoverlith that can mediate between Heaven and Earth; a lifting device that can function transcendently as well as immanently.
"The spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. Spread out above the heads of the living creatures was what looked like an expanse, sparkling like ice, and awesome." Ezekiel 1:21-22.
So, instead of being driven by human hope toward some false future projection, I am uplifted beyond time's twoness via an Alien abduction process into this abyss of Nowness. "The Lord commanded, 'take fire from among the wheels.'" Ezekiel 10:6. The fiery wind of the holy spiration powers the "whirling wheels" (Ezekiel 10:12)  that transport the soul into the quantum SpAce of Heaven. The archetypal function of the Alien craft is to shift consciousness from a lower to a higher kingdome, on the elemental wings of air and fire.

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