Thursday 5 November 2009

Ship of Thunder

"I was sent out from the power...
I am the first and last.
I am alien and citizen."
(Thunder Perfect Mind, Nag Hammadi Codex 6)
I am caught aLight!...
in a whirling spiration.
An Alien leader has come
for my transportation.
Into the quantum void
the Saurian returns;
through the "narrow gate"
past flaming swords turn.
He beams me up high
on a Ray of disintegration.
My world is laid waste
by an archetypal invasion.
A Shamanic journey
of death and dismemberment,
delivers my Spirit home
to my Soul's resurrection.
A schizophrenic bout
of psychic fragmentation,
shatters my mind with a
"Thunder Perfect" reSonation.

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