Saturday 13 March 2010

Alien Sexuality

Sexual symbolism in Alien mythology: the
phallic fathership with his harem of dishes.
If Jung's assumption, that the Holy Spirit (the pneumatic breath of life) plays-out in our bodies as libidinal desire, is true, then the innate sacramental processes of Baptism, Eucharist, and Holy Matrimony (Bridal chamber), would show up to some degree in sexuality. Libidinal consciousness would sublimate through the mythic unfoldment of sexual union.
Baptism: is a rite of passage in which the body or psyche is cleansed or purified for spiritual upliftment. In sex this is seen expressed in a natural way as showering, shaving, grooming, etc, in preparation for the next stage.
Eucharist (Mass, Last Supper): Jung says, "The Mass is a Eucharistic feast. In the sacrifice of the Mass two distinct ideas are blended together: the ideas of deipnon and thysia. Thysia means 'to sacrifice' or 'to slaughter;' but it also has the meaning of 'blazing' or 'flaring up.' This refers to the leaping sacrificial fire by which the gift offered to the gods was consumed. Deipnon means 'meal'. In so far as the offered gift is the sacrificer himself, in so far as the priest and congregation offer themselves in the sacrificial gift, there is a mystical unity in all parts of the sacrificial act. The Mass thus contains, at its essential core, the mystery and miracle of God's transformation taking place in the human sphere." (Psychology and Western Religion).
In sexuality we can see the idea of eucharistic devourment, or absorption in God, acted out in foreplay: kissing, licking, sucking, etc; which looks suspiciously like an attempt to devour the "other."
"Each one loves truth because truth is the mouth of the father. His tongue is the holy spirit. Whoever touches the truth touches the mouth of the father by his tongue at the time when one will receive the holy spirit." (The Gospel of Truth, Nag Hammadi Codex 1).
Holy Matrimony (Inner Matrimony, Bridal Chamber) "The lord did everything through mystery: baptism and a chrism and a eucharist and a redemption and a bridal chamber. If the woman and man had not come apart, they would not know death. Christ came to repair the split, there from the beginning, and join the two and give them life who had died because of separation." (Gospel of Philip).
In this final sacrament the schizophrenic split in consciousness is healed with the fusion of opposites in the Light of Christ, the high Priest who weds together what has seemingly come apart as the sexes. In the act of sex people attempt this consummation themselves by uniting their bodies as one, and, in a brief flash of orgasmic bliss, get a glimpse of what is possible.
"I am in you and you are in me, just as the father is in you in innocence." (The Second Treatise of the Great Seth. Nag Hammadi Codex7).

The saurian Serpent, containing the quantum trinity of spiral (seed), wave (process/growth), and point (pearl), unfolds the meaning of the universal Word. It is the light in the sky of mind invading this lower kingdom of human separation.
The job of any god, whether it be a masculine and transcendent sky god or a feminine and immanent serpent deity planted in the flesh, is to reconcile the opposites. The Alien, like the Angel, is an androgynous and winged creature bound for the next kingdom of consciousness.
"Through a primary revelation of the first one, which is unknown to all, I saw the god that is greater than perfection, and the triple power that exists in all. I was seeking the ineffable, unknowable god, of which people are ignorant even if they understand it at all, the mediation of the triple power, which is located in stillness and silence and is unknowable." (Vision of the Foreigner: Nag Hammadi codex 11).
I have been to the front; the "War of the Worlds" is already lost! The alien has won and the apocalypse is upon me. The spiral seed is planted in the flesh of ignorance. A wave of gestational growth births forth the fruition of the pearl, the whole point of life itself.

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