Tuesday 16 March 2010

Divine Chariot (an Alien Sacrament)

Picture: The Baptism of Christ
(Aert de Gelder, 1645-1727)

The Divine Chariot.
Holy spiration of the soul
wavicles of quantum light
beam down the Jordan:
a baptism of fire!
Disintegrating my life
with his celestial shine,
he lifts me on high
unto his design.
Swallowing me whole
as his eucharistic feast,
the Alien Christ
is a real wonder-beast.
O how you love
this world to devour.
Now I am raised
inside your true power.
In the fusion
of your rotational spire,
a rite of matrimony
unites us sublime.
So this is the church
of your might in the sky;
spiralling upwards
in your chariot divine .

Sunday 14 March 2010

Christ the Baptist, and the "Sky made of Stone."

Picture source: Adam Mclean's Alchemy Website.
 Heaven's heave down to this Earth doth blow
a flaming breath upon my thought-scape brow.
Into my mind the
Light aglow
shines forth a river fiery in its flow.
Into the river there to end my life
beneath cleansing waves of baptismal fire.
Mortified my ego will not long survive,
but give up the Holy Ghost unto the Christ.
Spirit freed from flesh can climb the sky,
and with the Stone of Christ uplifted fly.
Rock of Ages eternal is thy rest,
hold me safe inside your golden breast.
Lapis elevatus cum vento
" is my cry,
the Stone uplifted by the wind on high.
Christic Hoverlith
to Space returns anew,
his wind of
bids this world adieu.
Fired up, then sealed and cooled inside,
the metal craft from lead to gold refined.
One-ship from twoness now restored divine,
through the "narrow gate" with me to Heaven climbs.
"The ancients believed the sky is made of stone and metal due to the fall of meteorites. We shall do well to bear in mind the early religious significance attached to aeroliths. They fall to earth charged with celestial sanctity; in a way, they represent heaven. This would suggest why so many meteorites were worshipped or identified with a deity." (The Forge and the Crucible).

Saturday 13 March 2010

Alien Sexuality

Sexual symbolism in Alien mythology: the
phallic fathership with his harem of dishes.
If Jung's assumption, that the Holy Spirit (the pneumatic breath of life) plays-out in our bodies as libidinal desire, is true, then the innate sacramental processes of Baptism, Eucharist, and Holy Matrimony (Bridal chamber), would show up to some degree in sexuality. Libidinal consciousness would sublimate through the mythic unfoldment of sexual union.
Baptism: is a rite of passage in which the body or psyche is cleansed or purified for spiritual upliftment. In sex this is seen expressed in a natural way as showering, shaving, grooming, etc, in preparation for the next stage.
Eucharist (Mass, Last Supper): Jung says, "The Mass is a Eucharistic feast. In the sacrifice of the Mass two distinct ideas are blended together: the ideas of deipnon and thysia. Thysia means 'to sacrifice' or 'to slaughter;' but it also has the meaning of 'blazing' or 'flaring up.' This refers to the leaping sacrificial fire by which the gift offered to the gods was consumed. Deipnon means 'meal'. In so far as the offered gift is the sacrificer himself, in so far as the priest and congregation offer themselves in the sacrificial gift, there is a mystical unity in all parts of the sacrificial act. The Mass thus contains, at its essential core, the mystery and miracle of God's transformation taking place in the human sphere." (Psychology and Western Religion).
In sexuality we can see the idea of eucharistic devourment, or absorption in God, acted out in foreplay: kissing, licking, sucking, etc; which looks suspiciously like an attempt to devour the "other."
"Each one loves truth because truth is the mouth of the father. His tongue is the holy spirit. Whoever touches the truth touches the mouth of the father by his tongue at the time when one will receive the holy spirit." (The Gospel of Truth, Nag Hammadi Codex 1).
Holy Matrimony (Inner Matrimony, Bridal Chamber) "The lord did everything through mystery: baptism and a chrism and a eucharist and a redemption and a bridal chamber. If the woman and man had not come apart, they would not know death. Christ came to repair the split, there from the beginning, and join the two and give them life who had died because of separation." (Gospel of Philip).
In this final sacrament the schizophrenic split in consciousness is healed with the fusion of opposites in the Light of Christ, the high Priest who weds together what has seemingly come apart as the sexes. In the act of sex people attempt this consummation themselves by uniting their bodies as one, and, in a brief flash of orgasmic bliss, get a glimpse of what is possible.
"I am in you and you are in me, just as the father is in you in innocence." (The Second Treatise of the Great Seth. Nag Hammadi Codex7).

The saurian Serpent, containing the quantum trinity of spiral (seed), wave (process/growth), and point (pearl), unfolds the meaning of the universal Word. It is the light in the sky of mind invading this lower kingdom of human separation.
The job of any god, whether it be a masculine and transcendent sky god or a feminine and immanent serpent deity planted in the flesh, is to reconcile the opposites. The Alien, like the Angel, is an androgynous and winged creature bound for the next kingdom of consciousness.
"Through a primary revelation of the first one, which is unknown to all, I saw the god that is greater than perfection, and the triple power that exists in all. I was seeking the ineffable, unknowable god, of which people are ignorant even if they understand it at all, the mediation of the triple power, which is located in stillness and silence and is unknowable." (Vision of the Foreigner: Nag Hammadi codex 11).
I have been to the front; the "War of the Worlds" is already lost! The alien has won and the apocalypse is upon me. The spiral seed is planted in the flesh of ignorance. A wave of gestational growth births forth the fruition of the pearl, the whole point of life itself.

Thursday 5 November 2009

Ship of Thunder

"I was sent out from the power...
I am the first and last.
I am alien and citizen."
(Thunder Perfect Mind, Nag Hammadi Codex 6)
I am caught aLight!...
in a whirling spiration.
An Alien leader has come
for my transportation.
Into the quantum void
the Saurian returns;
through the "narrow gate"
past flaming swords turn.
He beams me up high
on a Ray of disintegration.
My world is laid waste
by an archetypal invasion.
A Shamanic journey
of death and dismemberment,
delivers my Spirit home
to my Soul's resurrection.
A schizophrenic bout
of psychic fragmentation,
shatters my mind with a
"Thunder Perfect" reSonation.

Wednesday 4 November 2009

Dr Alien, and His Archetypal Operation.

Dr Spock (Star Trek) and Dr Smith (Lost in Space).
I feel voided, de-mented, disintegrated. My lord, Alien, has come!
The emptiness of SpAce, sunyata, enfolds me. I must surrender to this Alien process of abduction, disintegration, and operational healing. To heal means "to make whole" and restore to health. But my ego must remain in ill-health if it is to maintain a sense of separate self and a polarized mind-set, i.e. male/female, good/evil, war/peace.
Healed whole by the healthy glow of
an alien radiation. Rubedo, the reddening
of consciousness, is the final stage of the
alchemical distillation process.  
The so-called "health" industry is the second biggest in the world after the war industry. I unconsciously sabotage my healthy glow because this glow is none other than the fusion of transcendental health. Christ said, "I am not of this world." Which implies that our true healing lies somewhere above this human kingdom of con-fused consciousness. This would explain the motivation behind many of our unhealthy habits.
The sin-eating Alien, heals my con-fused and cancerous mind. My separate ego fuses into the glow of wholeness, which, to the ego, looks like a blood sacrifice. But, in truth, it is a spiritual crucifixion or crossing over, to a higher presence of being.
In this Alien operation I must trust the Dr, who relies on the patient's death in Child-birth! Through death life is restored to health. The operation itself turned out to be a glowing success, thanks to a higher will. The Alien's quantum function and meaning is to heal and make whole again the spirit that fell into lower human corporeality.
Through the "via-negativa" the Alien comes and goes: abducting, healing, performing his operation. My ego turns out to be a mentally sick patient who is con-fused. The archetypal Doctor saves his patient from human separation; and as I awaken from the operation, a blinding Light fills my mind with fusion, wholographic wholeness, and the glow of true health.

Wednesday 17 June 2009

The Voice Who is All in my Head

After many years I have finally passed through the dark valley of depression, guided by transcendental light. Now I enter into a "voice" who is "All" in my head; a schizophrenic resonance that shatters my existence. Transcendental sound deathens my ego.

Voice from the Void.
I am struck by the so-called
"Thunder Perfect Mind;"
the sonic resonance of Christ
announcing "the end of time."
Fragmenting my ego,
ashes to ashes, dust to dust,
the high note inside
is the sound I must trust.
I can no longer hold back
the Alien from Space attack!
With his disintegration ray
he blows my mind away.
Now I am abducted
by a call from on high.
I've succumbed to the One voice
who is All in my mind.
In his vehicle of light,
the priest of the Son's
holy emanation, transports me
from this world undone.
Picture source: "Crucifixion" A.D. 1350.

Tuesday 16 June 2009

The Christic Hoverlith

"Crucifixion." Painted 1350 A.D.
Enter the Hoverlith;
it's a lifting device;
a sonic spiration
breathing down from on high.
It sends down a stream
into matter's ground;
a beam of baptismal
locomotion profound.
The Alien inside,
who turns out in my mind
to be Christ,
is the solarization of life.
He says, "deny yourself, take
up your cross, follow me."
So this is the vehicle
that sets my Soul free.
Enter the archetype;
the monstrance from Space;
the light in the sky
shining down his true grace.

Waking Up to Winged Being

"By a kiss the perfect conceive and give birth.
That is why we kiss. From the grace of others
we conceive."  (Gospel of Philip).
The Kiss of Conception.
Thinking is a waking dream in which we sleep,
and conform we do to the story as it takes shape.
Obey the script and play the role;
put on the mask and sell your Soul.
Like an actor-slave who cannot escape his part,
we live the lie and from reality depart.
Our conditioning a thinking-dream does weave,
and from its net the sleeper cannot leave.
Samsara's spell upon the mind is cast,
and most do fall from truth into its grasp.
How from this nightmare can the dreamer wake,
when "all the world's a stage" for players' sake?
Enter the Starman behind the scenes;
a fiery figure not easily seen.
Loving, bold, and spontaneous,
he steals the show with pure Presence.
He falls not into the sleep of ideation,
plays no role nor takes a station.
He is the light who sees the dream of thought;
the Lucid One inside the dream not caught.
Free from form, and world transcendent,
he sees no point in false pretension.
Cutting the story, burning the script,
he shatters duality with Oneness's Kiss.
The Cartesian "Spelling" Mistake We Cast Upon Ourselves.
Beliefs make-believe the Cartesian lives we lead, and define the egoic personae of our false identities; the "masks" we wear in this play of opposites, to disguise the underlying reality of the non-dual SpAce of Singularity in our minds.
This world of make-believing is what we have all conjured up, collectively and personally. We create our own reality to a large extent, and it is up to us to undo the spell of duality and time that traps us in this human story of separation.
Thinking (ideas, beliefs, concepts, dogma, opinion, philosophization, plans, hope, judgement, regret, stories, etc) serves us well to a point; but thought is also a magical spell we cast upon ourselves which hypnotises us into a false perspective. It sets up the illusion of time with its tick-tock of twoness, and the seeming appearance of division: male/female, good/evil, life/death. etc.
I cast upon myself the beliefs that define who I think I am. Thinking is a waking-dream in which I sleep; a nightmare of separation in which we search for our lost Unity. The Uni-Verse or One-Song resonates an underlying Singularity, but we deny it with our mental and mechanistic chant of Cartesian self-separateness: "I think therefore I am."
The true cure for human madness is to see that thinking is ultimately a mental illness that schizophrenically splits the mind. Every war was started by a belief. Visions of Truth belie beliefs by revealing that the underlying premiss behind every belief is false. For example, the dualistic belief that "I am under attack and need to defend myself," is seen as a lie because in Truth I am indestructible and cannot be attacked. Both Christ and Buddha taught to "turn the other cheek." The bi-ological belief that I need to survive may be a necessary fact at the human level, but the Truth reveals that I cannot not survive because I am eternal.
How can I get back to the ground or spirit of true Being, below the stuff of mental matter and all the stories, beliefs, and mis-conceptions composed therefrom? My thought-scape must somehow be cleansed anew, washed away, baptised with fire, if I am to experience the fundamental truth of Unity behind this play of opposites.
The "polarity premiss" behind human existence pre misses the Truth and continues in its mistaken way, building up lies upon lies until the Truth is buried deep in the collective unconscious. The trick for me is to uncover my original in-no-sensory innocence. My split-mindedness can only be healed by an apocalyptic revelation of Truth, which is a catastrophe for my separate ego, who must die in rebirth.
Enter the Alien-Christ behind the scenes, who has "come to bring fire upon the earth." (Luke 12:49). My human thoughts are blackened and burned in the fiery light of an Alien invasion. My world is laid waste by an archetypal Being invading my egoic thought-scape! The divine Magus performs higher magic as part of his function or will: disintegration, abduction, transubstantiation, fusion out of con-fusion, rememberment out of dismemberment.
An apocalyptic "end time" has come! The Alien truth dispells the false human premiss of my separation, and along with it all the lies built upon its dualistic foundation on the sands of time. The whole edifice of my thinking mind, composed of the black-magical dust of mental matter, collapses into an oceanic abyss of Nowness. And bursting forth from the depths of this primordial flood of non-dual consciousness, the Alien One or Ace in SpAce explodes and "takes off" above the realms and rulers, into the fiery Sky of timeless freedom.
"Yea, there is That which is the End-of-understanding, That which thou must understand with flower of mind.
For should'st thou turn thy mind inwards on It, and understand It as understanding 'something,' thou shalt not understand It.
For there is a power of the primordial mind that shineth forth in all directions, flashing with intellectual rays." (Chaldean Oracles).
Hermes Trismegistus and the marriage of Sol and Luna.
Creative fire unifies the opposites in the alchemical wedding
or gnostic "bridal chamber:" the sacramental miracle of 
fusion out of con-fusion.

The Wheel of Hope, Broken.

The Wheels of Ezekiel's Flying Device.
I've located some residue human hope lurking in my unconsciousness. I caught myself projecting onto the future. Now the human wheel of hope, with its reverse gear of regret, is dashed in my mind. Its mechanistic or Cartesian rotation is seen through as an illusory mental trick I play upon myself. This realisation brings a devastation to my ego. I have nothing to look forward to in hope's name.
My Cartesian ego feels lost without hope to cling to; thrown into an oceanic abyss of Nowness! No hope in the future lies. This apocalyptic revelation dawns on my mind as an insight that alters the out-sight of my former dualistic and mechanistic perception. I need a new Heavenly wheel to operate from.
An Hermetic Truth takes over my mind: "as above so below." The Macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm of my human smallness. Hermetic wisdom is now seen to rise again in quantum non-mechanics. The Cartesian spokes in the wheel of my corporeal life are breaking apart. The rational wheel is making a paradigm shift, transforming into the irrational Mandala of a living whologram.
My time-based and hope-based ego can no longer rely on the mechanistic wheel of hope as a vehicle to motivate me. I need a new Vehicle if I am to negotiate this abyss of Nowness; a divine Chariot that can travel beyond time and hope.
From the movie, Contact.
I need some sort of Hermetically designed Vehicle that can operate Macrocosmically as well as microcosmically; a Christic Hoverlith that can mediate between Heaven and Earth; a lifting device that can function transcendently as well as immanently.
"The spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. When the creatures rose from the ground, the wheels rose with them, because the spirit of the living creatures was in the wheels. Spread out above the heads of the living creatures was what looked like an expanse, sparkling like ice, and awesome." Ezekiel 1:21-22.
So, instead of being driven by human hope toward some false future projection, I am uplifted beyond time's twoness via an Alien abduction process into this abyss of Nowness. "The Lord commanded, 'take fire from among the wheels.'" Ezekiel 10:6. The fiery wind of the holy spiration powers the "whirling wheels" (Ezekiel 10:12)  that transport the soul into the quantum SpAce of Heaven. The archetypal function of the Alien craft is to shift consciousness from a lower to a higher kingdome, on the elemental wings of air and fire.

The Ark of Christ at the Apocalyptic End Time.

The Light of Consciousness sublimates into the Fire of Gnosis. "I have come to bring Fire on the earth," said the Gnostic Christ, in Luke 12:49.
As I now write the Holy Flame activates; Lord Agni is invoked; libidinal Kundalini, the Serpent Fire, comes alive and rises into my mind, speaking in its fiery tongue of mythic innerstanding.
The Mandalic Disc of the sun-like Son begins his invasion of my human thought-scape. An apocalyptic event threatens on the horizon of my egoic perspective. The veil of Heaven is parted, revealing the KingDome in the quantum Cathedral above.
Heaven heaves: waves of Ra-like radiation pour down like an Alien invasion, burning, blackening, disintegrating mental matter; freeing my Spirit from the captivity of human beliefs, ideas, and opinions. Dualistic time, with its tick-tock of twoness which divides the mind, is ended by a higher intelligence pronouncing: "all is Unified."
I am abducted, lifted up into the Sky of a transcendent Mind. The Holy Spiration of Soul blows its apocalyptic ex-spiration upon my brow. Shivic destruction of my lower world is over;  Alien abduction now draws me up on a wave of a sacramental transubstantiation. Baptismal Fire cleanses, calcines white, transmogrifies.
The Holy Dove, Phoenix afire, RavenBird ashine, spirals in on itSelf, creating a FirePearl on the Burning Tree abright. My Christmas has come. The gift of my human sacrifice is offered up. The Burning Bush aflame generates a "violent Wind" inside my brain. The Mandala vortex spirals up to the apex of its transformation. Atop the Tree Eternal, the Star of Christ fruits forth, burning in all his radiant glory.
The seal of Sol and Moon unite. Spirit-Moon, drawn up from earth, combines with the Sun. Earth-consciousness is refined to Gold by an Alien alchemy. How strange?... this downloading of a higher revelation. The thought-less clarity of Space emanates its own devastating Truth, which reveals that human thinking is but a waking dream in which the divided ones sleep under a Cartesian mis-conception: "I think therefore I am." This make-believing casts a spell of separation in the mind.
Apocalyptic Light and Sound can awaken the unconscious to the limitation of their lower kingdom. A higher reSonation shatters the schizophrenic delusion of duality. There is no night or day, male-female, good and evil. Life and death are but the same Oceanic flow and ebb of consciousness.
The golden Disc of transubstantiation finished, bursts forth from the Sea of primeval existence: walks on water, flies the air, burns with fire yet is not consumed. The miracle of surviving death is learned. The Sun darkens in its cosmic demise. A Blackhole swallows all the life and light in time created. Sol Niger, the alchemical Black Sun, departs the physical universe, whirling in uncreated disSolution.
The Ark of Christ gathers in the opposites; the world floods undone; the Sonship survives death, is reborn to a new KingDome come. Spirit, once fallen unconscious into mental matter, discovered fire, and through history from stone (Adam) to Stone (Christ) rises. "Lapis elevatus cum vento," the Rock of Ages by the Wind uplifted flies. The elemental SpaceShip from earth to Heaven returns and shines.
The Christic Hoverlith vibrates, with me abducted inside; its reSonation blowing itSelf apart into Nirvanic extinguishment as it climbs, shaking into Self-destructive annihilation as it escapes the gravity of mental matter into formless clarity."I am become death; destroyer of worlds!" (Upanishads).

Pregnant Kundalini, and the gnostic "baptism of fire."

The Shaman is born of a pregnant
Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, after  
undergoing death and dismemberment
in "the belly of the Beast."
The Serpent of fire, Kundalini, is the holy spiration of consciousness raised on the staff of the spine. In her benevolence she is the pre-pregnated rainbow-Serpent, swollen with life's potentiality, the colours/qualities of the birthing Spirit: love, power, being, freedom, peace, beauty, innocence, joy, etc, full of pregnant meaning waiting to birth forth!
"He (Christ) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire." Matt 3:11.
In her malevolent role she consumes what she consummates, and then rebirths a second coming. She is like Vesta, the Roman goddess who is the virgin Mother and vessel of the fiery hearth. The fire of Spirit rises as the light of consciousness unfolds its pregnant meaning. The holy sacrament of "fire baptism" is a rebirth rite-of-passage.
Just like the god, Kahuna, is born of a spiral tube, and walks on water, so too, Christ is born of fire, and walks over the hot coals of Vesta's hearth; yet, like the alchemical salamander, is not consumed by fire! The vestal Mother of fiery birth is the pregnant vessel; the central warmth of home, birthing her waves of serpentine creativity.
From the fiery Serpent, Kundalini, unconsciousness seeds, grows, and blooms as the "flower of mind;" the rose/lotus of nature, crowning forth her colour-full Child of light. 

The Alien seed of growth, the id,  planted in its human host, reaches for maturity, births forth from the solar plexus.
Prometheus stole fire from the realm of the gods. Humans can utilise this creative/destructive force to help them reach their full potential. The element of promethium is man-made; could it be that fire must pass through this 4th kingdom (human) in order to be transformed via gestation, before it can rebirth as a higher entity? The Serpent fire (Kundalini) is pregnant with meaning. What is this Spirit of fire trying to unfold?
Jung talked about the "archetypal function" of divine forces as the innate operation of the gods. Love is a good example because most of us have experienced its powerful influence and transformative effect. Birthing is an inherent activity in consciousness which functioned long before the human kingdom appeared from nature's mind. The Uni-Verse (One-Song) or "Big-Bang" is itself a birthing of fiery consciousness.

"In the Atalanta Fugiens (1618) of Michael Maier, we are told that ‘as the salamander lives in fire, so does the alchemical Stone.' We see the salamander frolicking in the flames in its ‘Fire Baptism’, a representation of ‘the fiery principle which conquers fire’; an image of how, according to the doctrine of Pseudo-Democritus, ‘nature overcomes nature.’"
A simple teleological extrapolation reveals the potential for consciousness to keep on reproducing itself into even higher kingdoms. The archetypal operation of Christic light/fire reveals its hidden function as a baptismal river of rebirth. The baptism of fire used to be a well-known sacrament, just like the fusion or wedding-together of the opposites in the gnostic sacrament of the "bridal chamber."
The Alien delivery "operation" is a transformation which rebirths human consciousness into a divine flowering of mind where the Son, who is "not of this world," is born of a Serpent wise. Finally, the growing period and sacramental process of human gestation must end. The Alien births into existence as the heavenly Child in quantum SpAce. What a relief it must be, to exorcise this divine Daimon from the flesh! 
The Biscione Serpent enacts the
"crowning of nature" by giving birth
to the meaning of the "Word."

Monday 15 June 2009

Evolution of the Dragon

The Green Man,
crash-landed down,
knocks himSelf out;
ends up time-bound.
He snakes through history,
searching around;
hungry for the Light
and true sonic Sound.

Whirling, whirring,
spinning ever bright.
The Dragon flies up
high into the night.
Until at long last
he finds the right place:
an alien Christ found,
shining out from in Space.